Whether this is your first time experiencing the Parade of Homes or you've been on the parade many times, it's always good to refresh yourself on the basics:
Parade homes will be open to tour on two weekends: Saturday, September 21 and Sunday, September 22, and Saturday, September 28, and Sunday, September 29, from noon to 5 p.m. each day.
Tickets to tour homes are available at each parade home or online for $10. You can also get a discounted ticket at local Casey’s General Stores for $9. Children 12 and under are FREE.
New this year, we have an easy way for you to find our parade homes! Please see page 36S for QR codes that you can scan for mobile directions to each home on the parade.
Please look for our official parade banner outside each parade home.
Also available at the parade homes is a $5 OFF coupon for the Fall 2024 Parade of Homes and a $5 OFF coupon for the 2025 Cedar Rapids Home Show, a $10 value.
The public is encouraged to leave their shoes at the door of each parade home so the homes don’t experience too much wear and tear. Paper booties may not be provided at all locations, so be sure to wear socks because no bare feet will be allowed.
Please do not ask to use the bathroom or wash your hands inside the parade homes. There are no public restrooms on the Parade of Homes.
Each builder has put a great deal of time and work into their parade home and may or may not welcome you taking photos for future reference, so please ask first.
Remember, each parade home is someone’s future home. So be considerate, tread lightly and be a good guest.
You’re sure to see lots of ideas and building projects on the parade that you’d like to include in your current or new home. Hold on to The Gazette’s parade section so you can jot down notes to keep track of features you like and builders and remodelers you want to talk to.
Follow the Parade of Homes at gcrhba.org and check for any updates.
After the parade is finished, a virtual tour of all parade homes will be available at gcrhba.org in case you want to take another look.
Thank you for supporting our local parade builders, remodelers, subcontractors, suppliers and sponsors who are building our community. For a full membership directory, please visit gcrhba.org.